If you wish to play Orbit you can either play as part of a class or have an adult set up an account for you. |
Username: |
Password: |
Confirm Password: |
Parent's Email: |
School/Organisation (if applicable): |
Optional research questions: We invite you to answer the small number of questions below as part of our ongoing research project. For more information on how this information will be used, read the research project information sheet. |
Age: |
Gender: |
How did you hear about Orbit: |
Why are you creating an account? |
I have contact with this child in the following modes (tick all that apply): |
Face-to-face (in-person)
Social media
Letter writing
I do not know this child
Frequency of contact: |
I know this child in my capacity as (choose the best answer): |
This child knows how to contact me (select all that apply): |
Face-to-face (in-person)
Social media
Letter writing
This child doesn't know how to contact me
Location: |